ZNHOO Whatever you are, be a good one!

Docker Newbie

  1. ABCs
  2. Installation
  3. Daemon
  4. docker.sock
  5. CLI Sample
  6. Pull Images
  7. Launch Containers
  8. Data Share
    1. ENV Variables
    2. SELinux
  9. Nginx Container Sample
    1. Get into Container
  10. Docker Commit
  11. Networking Drivers
    1. host.docker.internal
    2. Self-define Network
    3. SSH Agent Forwarding
    4. link
  12. netshoot
  13. exec and shell
  14. Docker Build Dockerfile
  15. Share Images
  16. Docker Compose


  1. Application layer isolation.

    It is not and lighter than virtual machine. Docker just provides application dependencies while VM virtualizes everything including hardware and OS.

  2. Dockers comprises image, container and registry.
    1. Image is static and readonly like a minimal root filesystem, a daemon etc. There are many highly qualified base iamge from official registry like nginx, redis, php, python, ruby etc. Especially, we have ubuntu, centos, etc. that are just OS minimal bare bones (like Gentoo stage tarball).

      An image consists of multiple filesystem layers. We can define an image by Dockerfile.

    2. Container is created on top of an image with the topmost filesystem layer storing running data. Processes within different containers are isolated - namespace.

      We can think of image and container as class and object in Object-oriented programming.

    3. Registry is store where users publicize, share and download repostitory. The default registry is docker.io or registry-1.docker.io with a frontend website Docker Hub.

      Repository, on the other hand, actually refers to name of an image (e.g. ubuntu). We can specify version of a repository by a tag (label) like ubuntu:16.04 (colon separator). The default tag is latest.

  3. Naming of an image

    registry.fqdn[:port]/[namespace/]repository[:tag | @<image-ID>]
    1. Default registry can be ommitted.
    2. The namespace part means a registered account in the registry. It can be an individual user name or an organization name like "kong".
    3. repository is the default name of an image like "ubuntu" and "kong-gateway".
    4. tag is a string. Default to latest.
    5. image id comprises a SHA256 digest like @sha256:abea36737d98dea6109e1e292e0b9e443f59864b.

    Specifying an image by tag can always gets the latest updates. For example, every time ubuntu:22.04 or kong/kong:3.4 is updated, it refers to a new image with different digest (e.g. fix CVEs or introduce CVEs). On the other hand, an image specified by digest always is pinned to that specific image. See Pin actions to a full length commit SHA for security concerns.

  4. C/S mode.
    1. Client: user command line (i.e. docker image ls)
    2. Server: local/remote docker-engine (i.e. systemctl start docker).
  5. Layer storage uses Union FS (recall that Live CD on USB stick requires Union FS). Only the topmost (container storage layer) is writable and volatile.

    Of the Union FS, overlay2 is recommended over aufs. Either enable overlay2 in kernel or build external module. devicemapper is also used in CentOS/RHEL. Pay attention to CentOS/RHEL 的用户需要注意的事项 if devicemapper driver loop-lvm mode is used.


We only install Docker CE version. For Windows and MacOS, Docker Desktop includes both Docker and Docker Compose. On Linux, it is highly recommended to install Docker and Docker Compose by official repo, or install by downloaded packages.

On Amazon Linux 2, we can install Docker by package manager, and then install Docker Compose by downloading binary file manually.

Install Docker by package manager:

~ $ sudo yum update -y

# CentOS
~ $ sudo yum install docker

# Amazon Linux 2 - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/create-container-image.html
~ $ sudo amazon-linux-extras install docker

~ $ docker version

In order to run docker as a normal user, add the account to docker group:

~ $ sudo usermod -aG docker <username>

~ $ reboot

Install Docker Compose manually:

~ $ sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/docker/cli-plugins
~ $ sudo curl -sSL https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/latest/download/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) -o /usr/local/lib/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose

~ $ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/lib/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose
~ $ docker compose version

~ $ PATH="/usr/local/lib/docker/cli-plugins:$PATH"
~ $ docker-compose version


Start Docker:

~ $ sudo systemctl enable docker
~ $ systemctl status docker
~ $ sudo systemctl start docker

~ $ docker info
~ $ docker ps
~ $ docker compose ls

The daemon manages everything!


Docker daemon creates a Unix socket file at /var/run/docker.sock by which we can communicate with the daemon via RESTful API.

~ $ curl --unix-socket /var/run/docker.sock --no-buffer http://localhost/events
~ $ curl --unix-socket /var/run/docker.sock http://localhost/version
~ $ curl --unix-socket /var/run/docker.sock http://localhost/images/json | jq
~ $ curl --unix-socket /var/run/docker.sock http://localhost/containers/json | jq

We can also create containers inside another container by mounting the socket file, as long as docker CLI is available.

# on host
~ $ docker run --name docker-sock --rm -it -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock docker sh

# within docker-sock
/ # docker run --name docker-in-docker --rm -it ubuntu bash

# within docker-in-docker

On the host terminal, we can retrieve the nested containers

~ $ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE     COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS           NAMES
978d8704d548   ubuntu    "bash"                   5 seconds ago    Up 4 seconds                    docker-in-docker
a3b93da63e90   docker    "dockerd-entrypoint.…"   17 seconds ago   Up 16 seconds   2375-2376/tcp   docker-sock

We can also get all containers from within docker-sock.

/ # docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                    COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS                       PORTS                NAMES
a3b93da63e90   docker                   "dockerd-entrypoint.…"   4 minutes ago   Up 4 minutes                 2375-2376/tcp        docker-sock
0dadcbdeb804   862614378b4c             "docker-entrypoint.s…"   13 months ago   Exited (0) 13 months ago                          eloquent_jones
f3f0faf83ac5   docker/getting-started   "/docker-entrypoint.…"   14 months ago   Exited (255) 13 months ago>80/tcp   romantic_colden

However, mounting docker.sock would make your host vulnerable to attack as Docker daemon is ran as root.

CLI Sample

~ $ fgrep -qa docker /proc/1/cgroup; echo $?                    # check if it is a docker
~ $ docker info                                                 # display the outline of docker environment
~ $ docker image/container ls [-a]                              # list images/containers
~ $ docker [image] history                                      # show layers of an image
~ $ docker inspect [ name | ID ]                                # display low-level details on any docker objects
~ $ docker logs <container>

Here is the full list of docker CLI: Docker CLI.

Pull Images

It is highly recommended to pull the docker/getting-started image, run and visit http://localhost.

~ $ docker search -f is-official=true ubuntu                    # search only official image

~ $ docker pull ubuntu:16.04                                    # specify a tag
~ $ docker pull ubuntu@sha256:<hash>                            # specify an image ID

~ $ docker images
  1. docker search search docker images from registries defined in /etc/container/registries.conf.

    Unfortunately, it does not suport tags or IDs. Instead, go to the registry website or check third party tool DevOps-Python-tools.

  2. We can offer docker pull a tag (i.e. 'ubuntu:latest') or an image ID.
  3. When pulling an image without its digest, we can update the image with the same pull command again.

    On the contrary, with digest, the image is fixed and pinned to that exact version. This makes sure you are interacting with the exact image. However, upcoming security fixes are also missed.

    To get image digest, we either go to the official registry, use images --digests, or even inspect command.

  4. Any any time, Ctrl-C terminates the pull process.
  5. Docker support proxy configuration when feteching the images.

Launch Containers


docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]


~ $ docker run --name centos-5.8 \
-d \
-it \
--rm \
--mount type=bind,src=/home/jim/workspace/,dst=/home/jim/workspace/,ro \
-w /home/jim/workspace/ \
--net host
-u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
7a126f3dba08 \

root@docker ~ # cat /etc/os-release
root@docker ~ # exit 13
root@docker ~ # echo $?
  1. When we run an image, a container is created with an extra layer of writable filesystem.
  2. To be compatible with AMD64/ARM64, we can add the --platform linux/x86_64 or --platform linux/arm64. Check multi-platform-docker-build.

    This also applies to docker build.

  3. By default, the root process of a container (PID 1), namely the CMD/ENTRYPOINTWITH is started in the forground mode. The host terminal is attached to the process's STDOUT/STDERR, but not STDIN. So we can see the output (error message included) of the root process as follows:

    ~ $ docker run -t --rm ubuntu ls /
    bin   dev  home  media  opt   root  sbin  sys  usr
    boot  etc  lib   mnt    proc  run   srv   tmp  var
    ~ $ docker run --rm ubuntu ls /

    We can use multiple -a options to control the attachment combinations of STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR. To following example, we can even input to the root process as long as its STDIN is open. Refer to confused-about-docker-t-option-to-allocate-a-pseudo-tty and Attach to STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR.

    ~ $ docker run -a stdin -a stdout ...

    If we want to start the process in background mode, namely the detach mode, then add the -d option. Containers runs in this mode will print the container ID and release host terminal immediately. So we cannot input to the root process or see the output or error message: STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR detached. If the root process exits, then the container exits as well. So we cannot do like this:

    ~ $ docker run -d -p 80:80 my_image service nginx start

    As the root process service exits immediately after nginx is started. The next example will keep the container running as the tail command persists:

    ~ $ docker run -d ubuntu bash -c "tail -f /dev/null"
  4. -t allocates a pseudo-TTY connected for the root process, especially useful when the process is an interactive Shell. The -i option forces the process's STDIN to be open and runs the container interactively, so we can input some data to the process directly, which works even when -d is present. Here is an example:

    echo test | docker run -i ubuntu cat -

    The two options are usually used together for Shell: -t creates a pseudo-TTY, while -i makes the STDIN of the pseudo-TTY open for data input.

    # STDIN not open by default, so keeps waiting for input
    ~ $ dockder run -t --rm ubuntu bash
    # can input/output, but no standalone STDOUT, reuse that of host terminal
    ~ $ docker run -i --rum ubunty bash
    # standalone stdin/stdout/stderr, also interactive for input
    ~ $ docker run -it --rum ubunty bash
  5. --rm automatically remove the container when it exits.
  6. Check Data Share for --mount.
  7. -w lets the root process running inside the given directory that is created on demand.
  8. --net, --network connects the container to a network. By default, it is bridge. Details are discussed in later sections.
  9. -u, --user runs the root process as a non-root user. Attention that, the username is that within the container. So the image creator should create that name in Dockerfile.
  10. bash overrides the CMD/ENTRYPOINT instructions of the image.

Here is a note about the different options:

docker run

Please also follow this post Cannot pipe to docker run with stdin attached.

Data Share

Docker containers can read from or write to pathnames, either on host or on memory filesystem - to share data. There are three storage types:

  1. Volume, Data Volume, or Named Volume.

    By default, running data of a container is layered on top of the image used to create it. A volume decouples that data from both the host or the container. Just think of a Windows partition or removable disk drive.

    Volumes are managed by Docker and persist. Data within can be shared among multiple containers, as well as between the host and a container.

    Beofre you restart a docker compose project, please run "docker volume prune -a", otherwise history data might interrupt new containers.

  2. Bind Mount.

    Bind-mount a file or directory in the host to a file or directory in the container. The target can be read-only or read-write. For example, bind host /etc/resolv.conf to a container, sharing name servers.

    Attention please; to bind-mount a file, please provide the absolute path, otherwise the dest pathname in the container might be a directory! Check How to mount a single file in a volume.

  3. tmpfs Mount.

    Needless to say, tmpfs is a memory filesystem that let container stores data in host memory.

We use option --volume , -v and --mount to share data between containers and hosts. --mount is recommended as it support all 3 kinds of data sharing and is more verbose. --volume will be deprecated soon.

If the file or directory on the host does not exist. --volume and --mount behaves differently. --volume would create the pathname as a directory, NOT a file, while --mount would report error.

On the other hand, if the target pathname already exists in the container, both options would obsecure contents over there. This is useful if we'd like to test a new version of code without touching the original copies.

ENV Variables

To pass environment variables to containers, we can:

  1. -e, --env applies only to docker run. This method reveal sensitive values in Shell history. We can firstly export the variable on CLI, then pass --env VAR without the value part.
  2. –env-file (default $PWD/.env) applies both to docker run and docker compose. This fits when there are a lot of variables to pass in.
  3. docker compose can pick up a few compose-specific variables from CLI, so just export it.
  4. CLI variables can also be for substitution in compose file.


When bind-mount a file or mount a directory of host, SELinx policy in the container may restrict access to the shared pathname.

  1. Temporarily turn off SELinux policy:

    ~ $ su -c "setenforce 0"
    ~ $ docker restart container-ID
  2. Adding a SELinux rule for the shared pathname:

    ~ $ chcon -Rt svirt_sandbox_file_t /path/to/
  3. Pass argument :z or :Z to --volume option:

    -v /root/workspace:/root/workspace:z

    Attention please, --mount does not support this.

  4. Pass --privileged=true to docker run.

    However, this method is discouraged as privileged containers bring in security risks. If it is the last resort, first create a privileged container and then create a non-priviledged container inside.

    Privilege permissions can have fine-grained control by --cap-add or --cap-drop, which is recommended!

Nginx Container Sample

~ $ docker run --name webserver \
-d \
--net host
--mount type=bind,source=/tmp/logs,target=/var/log/nginx \
-p 8080:80 nginx

~ $ docker container ls
~ $ docker container logs webserver
~ $ docker container stop/kill webserver
~ $ docker container start webserver
~ $ docker container rm webserve          # remove one or more container (even running instances)
~ $ docker container prune                # remove all stopped container
  1. -p maps host port 8080 to container port 80 that is already bound to host Nginx process.
  2. Check the Dockerfile, there is a line telling how Nginx should be started:

    CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]
  3. The --mount type is a Bind Mount directory.
  4. Visit the Nginx container page at http://host-ip:8080.
  5. stop attempts to trigger a graceful shutdown by sending the standard POSIX signal SIGTERM, whereas kill just kills the process by sending SIGKILL signal.

Get into Container

Exec a simple command in container:

~ $ docker exec webserver sh -c 'echo $PATH'
~ $ docker exec webserver ps

Sometimes, we want to exec the command in the background when we do not care about its output or need not any input:

~ $ docker exec -d webserver touch /tmp/test.txt

If we want to interactively and continuously control the container:

~ $ docker exec -it webserver bash

Apart from docker exec, docker attach <container> is also recommended.

This command attaches the host terminal's STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR files to a running container, allowing interactive control or inspect as if the container was running directly in the host's terminal. It will display the output of the ENTRYPOINT/CMD process.

For example, a container can be shutdown by C-c shortcut, sending the SIGINT signal (identical to SIGTERM) to the container by default. Rather, C-p C-q detaches from the container and leave it running in the background again.

If the process is running as PID 1 (like /usr/bin/init), it ignores any signal and will not terminate on SIGINT or SIGTERM unless it is coded to do so.

Docker Commit

~ $ docker exec -it webserver bash
root@docker ~ # echo '<h1>Hello, Docker!</h1>' > /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html
root@docker ~ # exit
~ $ docker diff webserver
~ $ docker container commit -a 'jim' -m 'change front page' webserver nginx:v2
~ $ docker image ls nginx
~ $ docker history nginx:v2
  1. We modified container layer storage. Use diff to check details.
  2. Visit the Nginx container page again.
  3. commit records modification as a new layer and create a new image.

    Avoid commit command as miscellaneous operations (garbage) are recorded either. As discussed in "Data Share" section, we can make use of Volume, Bind Mount, or tmpfs, or resort to 'Build Image by Dockerfile' section below.

  4. To verify the new image:

    ~ $ docker run --name web2 -d -p 8081:80 --rm nginx:v2

    The --rm tells to remove the container upon exit.

  5. We can inspect the target image, and will find "ContainerConfig" and "Config". They are almost identical.

    "ContainerConfig" is the config of current container from within this image is committed, while the "Config" is the exact configuration of the image. Pay attention to the Cmd parts. If we build by Dockerfile, then they looks different. The ContainerConfig this is the temporary container spawned to create the image. Check what-is-different-of-config-and-containerconfig-of-docker-inspect.

Networking Drivers

The Docker's networking subsystem is pluggable, using drivers. Docker provides multiple built-in networks, based on which we can define custom networks.

Below is a simple explanation:

  1. Bridge

    The default driver if none is given upon run, providing network isolation from the outside. It is to bridge traffic among multiple containers and the host. Check the image below, docker0 is the bridge interface.

    docker netowrk

    If we define a custom bridge network, containers within can communicate with each other by alias or name, otherwise they can only communicate by IP addresses.

    Pay attention please; this is different from the bridge mode of VMWare or VirtualBox (real Virtual Machine). VMWare and VirtualBox's bridge is deployed directly on the host's interface and appears to be a real physical device parallel to the host and can be connected to from within LAN directly.

  2. Host

    Share the host's networking directly without isolation. However, LAN devices cannot differntiate between containers and the host as there is not individual IP addressed assigned to containers. The host mode is preferred when the service exposes a port publicly like Nginx servers.

    To use host network, just add network_mode: host to Dockder compose file, and but must remove the ports mappings as containers share the same network as the host. Alternatively, add --network=host option to docker run.

    Unfortunately, host mode does not work on macOS.

  3. Overlay

    Overlay connects multiple Docker daemons together, creating a distributed network among multiple Docker daemon hosts. This network sits on top of (overlays) the host-specific networks, allowing containers connected to it.

  4. macvlan

    As the name implied, maclan assignes a MAC address to a container, making it be a physical device on the same network as the host - counterpart of VMWare/VirtualBox's 'bridge'.

  5. none

    Disable networking.

Please read How Docker Desktop Networking Works Under the Hood regarding how Docker Destop achieves DNS, HTTP Proxy, TCP/IP stack, Port Forwarding, etc. network features via vpnkit.


Occasionally, we want to access to host services from within containers.

  1. If the container is booted with host network, then use localhost or
  2. If the container is booted with bridge network, then use host.docker.internal. Depending on the platform, we might need a bit setup.
    1. On macOS, host.docker.internal is intuitively supported.
    2. On Linux, we should manually add host.docker.internal:host-gateway to docker run --add-host or to extra_hosts of docker compose. This would add an entry in "/etc/hosts".

The hostname "host.docker.internal" is used only for connection, so please set the correct "Host" header. See example below.

~$ docker exec -it alpine sh

/ # curl -v http://localhost/anything --connect-to localhost:80:host.docker.internal:80
* processing: http://localhost/anything
* Connecting to hostname: host.docker.internal
* Connecting to port: 80
*   Trying
* Connected to host.docker.internal ( port 80
> GET /anything HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost
> User-Agent: curl/8.2.1
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Server: openresty/
< Date: Sat, 05 Aug 2023 06:45:34 GMT
< Content-Type: application/json
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
< Connection: close
{"message":"hello, world"}
* Closing connection

Self-define Network

Docker automates network configuration upon container startup. We can customize that on purpose.

~ $ docker network ls
~ $ docker network create -d bridge mynet
~ $ docker run -it --name ubt1604 -v /src/hostdir:/opt/condir:rw --network mynet ubuntu:16.04
~ $ docker network inspect mynet

Use the --net or --network option. To the 'host' networking driver, just pass --net host option to docker run.

SSH Agent Forwarding

In order not to set up a new SSH environment within containers, we can forward SSH agent on host to container.

For Docker Desktop on macOS and Linux. If this does not work on macOS, see the workaround at macOS SSH agent forwarding not working any longer.

~ $ docker run --rm -it -u root \
--mount "type=bind,src=/run/host-services/ssh-auth.sock,target=/run/host-services/ssh-auth.sock,ro" \
-e SSH_AUTH_SOCK="/run/host-services/ssh-auth.sock" \
--entrypoint /bin/bash kong/kong-gateway:latest

root@3442a4bc63cd:/# ssh-add -l

For Docker engine:

~ $ docker run --rm -it -u root \
--mount "type=bind,src=$SSH_AUTH_SOCK,target=/run/host-services/ssh-auth.sock,ro" \
-e SSH_AUTH_SOCK="/run/host-services/ssh-auth.sock" \
--entrypoint /bin/bash kong/kong-gateway:latest

root@3442a4bc63cd:/# ssh-add -l

Attention that, if you are SSH into Linux VPS from macOS, the SSH agent might be forwarded to the Linux VPS, depending on the SSH config on macOS. This is totally a different topic. Containers in the Linux VPS has no access to the forwarded macOS SSH agent, and we should launch a new one in the Linux VPS.

The legacy communication method is --link. Docker copies information (e.g. ENV Variables) from source container to receipt (target) container, and provides network access from receipt container to source container.

Take docker run --name web --link postgres:alias ... for example, the newly created web is receipt container and the existing postgres is source container.

--link is amost deprecated as we can use other features to accomplish the same functionalities. For example, for info copy, use ENV Variables or data share. For network communication, just follow Networking Drivers and Self-define Network.

Here is an example:

## source container

13:47:23 zachary@Zacharys-MacBook-Pro ~$ docker run --name postgres -e HELLO=world -e POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust -d postgres:14

13:47:39 zachary@Zacharys-MacBook-Pro ~$ docker exec -it postgres bash
root@25732d58f238:/# echo $HELLO

## receipt/target container

13:48:11 zachary@Zacharys-MacBook-Pro ~$ docker run --name ubuntu -it --link postgres:db ubuntu bash

# src in hosts
root@8e95191dba0e:/# cat /etc/hosts       localhost
::1     localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters      db 25732d58f238 postgres      8e95191dba0e

# src ENVs
root@8e95191dba0e:/# env | grep DB_ | sort

# src network
root@8e95191dba0e:/# ping db
PING db ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from db ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.210 ms
64 bytes from db ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.452 ms
64 bytes from db ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.136 ms

Attention please; --link is one-way link only. Info is transferred from source containers to receipt containers but source containers know nothing about receipt containers. To achieve bi-directional communication, please use network.


To debug containers' network issues, we can make use of netshoot.

The netshoot container has a world of built-in network troubleshooting tools like nmap, tcpdump, etc. We just need to attach the netshoot container to the target container's network namespace.

~ $ docker run --name netshoot \
--rm \
-it \
--network container:<target-name|target-ID> \
--mount type=bind,src=./data/,dst=/data \
-d nicolaka/netshoot

~ $ docker exec -it netshoot zsh

# capture packets of target container
~ # tcpdump -i eth0 port 6379 -w /data/redis.pcap

exec and shell

Usually, in the end of image, we have three kinds of instruction:

  1. RUN. Creates a new layer of image. Usually used to install package. It's recommended to install multiple packages in a single RUN instruction so that we have less image layers.
  2. CMD. Set the default command to run when run a container.
  3. ENTRYPOINT. run a container as a command, so that we can provide extra arguments when run.

Refer to RUN, ENTRYPOINT and CMD for more details.

Each instruction has two kinds of running forms:

  1. shell form.

    <instruction> cmd arg1 arg2 ...

    By default, /bin/sh will be used to run the cmd as:

    /bin/sh -c 'cmd arg1 arg2 ...'

    It is the preferred form of the RUN instruction to install package in the image and exit.

  2. exec form.

    The cmd is ran directly without any Shell involvement, which is the preferred form of CMD and ENTRYPOINT as we usually launch a daemon background within the container. No need to maintain a Shell process.

    <instruction> ["cmd", "arg1", "arg2", ...]

    We can hack by changing the cmd to /bin/bash:

    <instruction> ["/bin/bash", "-c", "cmd", "arg1", "arg2", ...]

Refer to exec form or sh form for more details.

When there are multiple CMD or ENTRYPOINT instructions inherited from different image layers, only that of the topmost layer is respected! We can use docker container inspect to show the instructions and their forms. For example, nginx image has CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"].

We can pass custom commands and arguments when invoking docker run, which will override the CMD instruction and arguments thereof. If there exists the ENTRYPOINT instruction in exec form, then custom arguments would be appended to the ENTRYPOINT cmd. By default, ENTRYPOINT exec form will take extra arguments from CMD instruction in shell form. Custom arguments when docker run will override those in the CMD instruction. ENTRYPOINT in shell form would ignore custom arguments from CMD or docker run.

We can override ENTRYPOINT and/or CMD as follows.

# docker run --entrypoint /path/to/cmd <image> -a arg1 -b arg2 arg3

~ $ docker run --entrypoint /bin/bash -it nginx

~ $ docker run --rm --entrypoint /bin/bash kong/kong-gateway:latest -c "kong version"
Kong Enterprise

# docker run --entrypoint '' <image> /path/to/cmd -a arg1 -b arg2 arg3

~ $ docker run --rm --entrypoint '' -it kong/kong-gateway:latest /bin/bash -c "kong version"
Kong Enterprise

Here is an illustration between CMD and ENTRYPOINT:


Refer to Dockerfile reference for more details.

Docker Build Dockerfile

From commit example above, we can create new image layer but many negligible commands like ls, pwd, etc. are recourded as well.

Similar to Makefile, Docker uses Dockerfile to define image with specified instructions like FROM, COPY, RUN etc. Each instruction creates a new intermediate layer and a new intermediate image. In order to minimize number of layers and images, we'd better merge instructions as much as possible.

In this section, we use Dockerfile to create image nginx:v2.

~ $ mkdir mynginx
~ $ cd mynginx
~ $ vim Dockerfile
FROM nginx
RUN echo '<h1>Hello, Docker!</h1>' > /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html

Just two lines! FROM imports the base image on which we will create the new layer. If we do not want any base image, use the special null image scratch.

Now we build the image:

~ $ docker build -t nginx:v3 -t nginx .
Sending build context to Docker daemon  2.048kB
Step 1/2 : FROM nginx
 ---> b175e7467d66
Step 2/2 : RUN echo '<h1>Hello, Docker!</h1>' > /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html
 ---> Running in d5baea5c6341
Removing intermediate container d5baea5c6341
 ---> 18cc3a3480f0
Successfully built 18cc3a3480f0
Successfully tagged nginx:v3
  1. The -t option of docker build actually refers to name of the target image. We can leave the tag part to use the default latest. We can also supply multiple tags. From example above, the second tag is the default latest.

    If we specify a name that exists already, we detach that name from an existing image and associate it with the new image. The old image still exist and can be checked the "RepoTags" field of docker inspect <image-id>.

  2. During the building process, both an intermediate container (d5baea5c6341) and image (18cc3a3480f0) is created for 'RUN' instruction.

    The intermediate container defines a new layer which is then committed to create a new image. Afterwards, the intermediate container is removed, but the intermediate image is kept.

  3. The trailing dot means the current directory is the building context directory. It is also the default location of the Dockerfile. Sometimes, we exclude some context files from the durectory by the .dockerignore file, as below:

    ~ $ echo ".git" >> .dockerignore

    Docker sends all files within context directory to remote Docker engine (daemon). Image can be built without a context directory if we don't have any supplementary files.

    ~ $ docker build -t nginx:v3 - < /path/to/Dockerfile

    The hypen character cannot be omitted!

  4. If there exist multiple CMD/ENTRYPOINT instructions from different layers, only that of the topmost layer will be executed upon container start. All the rest CMD/ENTRYPOINT are overriden.
  5. After the building, we can run nginx:v3 image:

    ~ $ docker run --name web3 -d -p 8081:80 --rm nginx:v3
  6. Apart from builing a new docker image for the web server, we can utilize 'Data Share' to attach a Volume or Bind Mount to the base docker image. Build the web server within the attached storage instead.
  7. Sometimes, we may want to remove the cache of build, which can be accomplished by docker builder prune -a.
  8. Here is another Dockerfile instance:

    FROM centos:latest
    RUN [/bin/bash, -c, 'groupadd -g 1000 username ; useradd -ms /bin/bash -u 1000 -g 1000 username; echo "username:1C2B3A" | chpasswd']
    CMD ["/bin/bash"]
    1. Recall that in section 'Run an Image', -u username:groupname requires that the username and groupname exist when creating the image. Change the account password immedately after the container is created as the initial password is explicitly written in the Dockerfile.
    2. By default, the 'RUN' instruction uses /bin/sh form. It is replaced by /bin/bash in this example.

      Also, multiple relevant shell commands are merged into one single 'RUN' instruction. We can also the split the command by line continuation like:

      RUN /bin/bash -c 'useradd -ms /bin/bash -u 1000 -g 1000 username ; \
      echo "username:1C2B3A" | chpasswd'
  9. Check multi-platform-docker-build for AMD64/ARM64 arch issue. This also applies to Create a Container.
  10. Some commands may have ask interactive questions. Please check DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive.

Refer to Best practice for writing Dockerfile.

Share Images

We can share our own docker image to a registry (e.g. docker.io) by docker push.

Suppose we have a nginx image got from Docker hub, and want to re-push it to Docker Hub under our own account.

Get the official image. If we do not specify a tag, the latest image is pulled.

~ $ docker pull nginx
Using default tag: latest

Push to our own account. If we do not specify a tag, the image is tagged to latest.

~ $ docker login -u myaccount

~ $ docker tag <nginx|sha256> myaccount/nginx

~ $ docker push myaccount/nginx
Using default tag: latest

If we want to use a different registry rather than the default docker.io, then add the registry to the new tag as well as follows.

~ $ docker tag <nginx|sha256> myregistry:5000/myaccount/nginx

~ $ docker push myregistry:5000/myaccount/nginx

We can assign mutiple tages to the image.

~ $ docker tag <nginx|sha256> myaccount/nginx:2.0.0
~ $ docker push myaccount/nginx:2.0.0

~ $ docker tag <nginx|sha256> myaccount/nginx:2.0
~ $ docker push myaccount/nginx:2.0

~ $ docker tag <nginx|sha256> myaccount/nginx:2
~ $ docker push myaccount/nginx:2

We can re-assign the latest tag to a new version.

~ $ docker tag myaccount/nginx:2.1.0 myaccount/nginx:latest
~ $ docker push myaccount/nginx:latest

A more advanced tool than docker tag is regctl as follows.

~ $ regctl registry login
~ $ regctl registry config

~ $ regctl image manifest kong/kong-gateway:latest
~ $ regctl image inspect kong/kong-gateway:latest

~ $ regctl image manifest kong/kong-gateway:

~ $ regctl image copy kong/kong-gateway: kong/kong-gateway:latest
~ $ regctl image copy kong/kong-gateway: kong/kong-gateway:latest-ubuntu

regctl image copy pulls the containers (all architectures), retags them, and pushed them again (all architectures). Please read https://stackoverflow.com/a/68576882/2336707, https://stackoverflow.com/a/68317548/2336707 and https://stackoverflow.com/q/71470604/2336707.

Docker Compose

the compose project name by default is named after PWD. The name of containers share the same prefix (i.e. name of the project).

we can share compose configurations between files and/or projects by:

  1. multiple compose files
  2. extending services from another compose file.

when bind-mount a file, pay attention to provide the absolute path. check data share.

In Docker Compose file, we can use build to build an image from Docker file (https://stackoverflow.com/q/57840820/2336707). Alternatively, we can also provide multiple commands to command (https://stackoverflow.com/q/30063907/2336707).