ZNHOO Whatever you are, be a good one!


  1. Installation
  2. Permission
  3. Tutorials
  4. Android
    1. androiddump
    2. NAT gateway
    3. Proxy
    4. Alternatives


root@tux / # echo 'net-analyzer/wireshark androiddump' >> /etc/portage/package.use/wireshark
root@tux / # emerge -avt wireshark


Running Wireshark in root account is dangerous. We can add normal user account into wireshark group.

root@tux / # gpasswd -a username wireshark

You should log out and log in back to take effect. newgrp log in to a new group in current shell:

user@tux ~ $ newgrp wireshark
user@tux ~ $ wireshark-gtk

Then launch Wireshark from terminal directly.




It's recommended to install terminal emulator app such as Termux.


androiddump as explained by the term name, is used to capture Android system logcat messages and networking flow. Before the capture carried out, you should provide the following:

  1. Android SDK tools (i.e. adb) are added to PATH variable (for logcat capture);
  2. Android tcpdump on a rooted device (for networking flow). Device vendor may have enclosed tcpdump in Android image.

    tcpdump captures Android traffic and then pass it to Wireshark on your PC. androiddump serves as the bridge between tcpdump and Wireshark.

  3. Obviously, your device should be in Developer Debugging mode and recognized by SDK tools.

tcpdump requires root permission (rooted device), exposing to maleware attack.

NAT gateway

Set PC as gateway router to your device. Then use Wireshark to capture PC Wi-Fi interface. Without explicit pointing out, I use router and gateway interchangeably in this section.

Here is my case. Linux and Android connect to the same Wi-Fi as follows:

Device IP
WAN dial-up

By default Linux and Android uses gateway We can check route by:

user@tux ~ $ route -n
user@tux ~ $ ip route

Firstly, we set Android Wi-Fi gateway to Linux's IP Do this in Android Wi-Fi setting. Thus all Android Wi-Fi data routes through Linux.

Then on Linux, we should configure NAT for Android traffic, forwarding Android traffic to the real Wi-Fi gateway

root@tux / # sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
root@tux / # iptables -A FORWARD -i wlan0 -j ACCEPT
root@tux / # iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j MASQUERADE (poor NAT)
# or
root@tux / # iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j SNAT --to-source (better NAT)
  1. NAT requires IP forwarding that, by default, is disabled in Linux boxes.
  2. MASQUERADE replaces the sender's (Android device here) address by the router's (Linux PC here) address.

    As the router here is Linux PC, we'd better use SNAT istead. Bascially, we use SNAT for static router IP, improving Iptables performance. However, MASQUERADE is a must when the router connects to the Internet with PPoE dial-up (different WAN IP each dial-up).

  3. This is a special case of the reference as there is only one Linux interface (wlan0) for both LAN and WAN communication. Please read more details via LinuxTutorialIptablesNetworkGateway.

    We can omit the MASQUERADE or SNAT part because Wi-Fi router can reach Android device directly without Linux wlan0 NAT support.

To check the setup, make sure Android connect to network (ping in Termux). Further more, we can check Iptables counts:

root@tux / # iptables -L -nv [-t nat]

Android outgoing traffic flow is as follows:

Android -> Router NAT -> Linux NAT -> Router NAT -> The WAN Internet

Router NAT handles LAN communication while Linux NAT handles Android traffic mapping. For incoming traffic, just reverse the arrow.

Finally, Wireshark can capture Android traffic on PC. We can print out only Android traffic by filtering the Android IP:

ip.addr ==

If you choose to omit the MASQUERADE or SNAT part, Wireshark can only caputre traffic from Android while miss traffic to it. Meanwhile, the reverse traffic flow resembles the usual:

the WAN Internet -> Router NAT -> Android


Set up a proxy (i.e. OpenVPN, Privoxy HTTP etc.) on PC and proxy device traffic through.


  1. tPacketCapture app based on Android VPN service.
  2. AndroidHttpCapture app for HTTP(s) capture.
  3. We can use Charles and Fiddler for HTTP(s) capture.

Solutions based on VPN service can capture transmission layer packets. Most tools above only capture HTTP(s) layer traffic.

Above all, the most convenient method is running tshark (Wireshark terminal counterpart) on Wi-Fi router (i.e. OpenWrt).