ZNHOO Whatever you are, be a good one!

Capital in 21st Century Pickups

In fact, nothing can be further from truth.

It's indispensable to make use of complementary sources as well.

It's enlightening to …

by contrast,

There is very reason to believe that …

fare: progress; get on 进展; 过日子: How did you fare (ie What were your experiences) while you were abroad? 你在国外时好吗(感受如何)?

beneficiary: n, person who receives sth, esp one who receives money, property, etc when sb dies 受益者; 受惠者; (尤指)承受遗产者.

nominal: existing, etc in name only; not real or actual 名义上的; 不实际的; 不真实的: the nominal ruler of the country 名义上的国家统治者; (of a sum of money, etc) very small, but paid because some payment is necessary (指一笔钱等)很少的, 象徵性的

foregoing: listed, mentioned, or occurring before ; preceding; just mentioned 在前的; 刚提到的; 上述的: the foregoing analysis, description, discussion, etc 以上分析﹑ 描述﹑ 论述等

the foregoing: n [sing or pl v] (fml 文) what has just been mentioned 刚提及的事物: The foregoing have all been included in the proposals. 以上各点均包括在建议中.

replete with …

in the aftermath of …; its immediate aftermath

touch on/upon sth mention or deal with (a subject) briefly 提及或涉及(某问题): The matter was hardly touched on. 那件事几乎没涉及到.

seethe: (of liquids) bubble and froth as if boiling (指液体)起泡, 冒泡(似沸腾): They fell into the seething waters of the rapids. 他们跌进了翻腾的急流中.

be seething with <人> [因生气等而] 大发雷霆[with]; [因不平、不满等而] 举国骚动,群情哗然[with]

It is tempting to see/note … 迷人的,引人的,诱人的; 引人心动 [食欲] 的

stun: [Tn] daze or shock (sb), eg with sth unexpected 使(某人)目瞪口呆或感到震惊: I was stunned by the news of his death. 我得知他的死讯十分震惊

stunning: surprising or shocking 令人惊奇的; 令人震惊的: a stunning revelation 惊人的新发现

far from negligible

hike: n, rise in prices, costs, etc (价格﹑ 价值等的)提高, 增加: The union demands a 7% wage hike. 工会要求提高工资7%

have not failed to attract attention

phenomenon -> pl, phenomena

from the turn of twentieth century until now

dreadful: causing great fear or suffering; shocking 产生极大恐惧或痛苦的; 使人震惊的: a dreadful accident, disease, nightmare 可怕的事故﹑ 疾病﹑ 恶梦

rentier: 靠利息、养老金、地租、股息等生活的人

heady: having a quick effect on the senses; very exciting 迅速作用於感官的; 兴奋的: a heady perfume 气味扑鼻的香水;(of a person) excited and acting rashly (指人)激动得忘乎所以的: be heady with success 因成功而得意忘形

tax heaven 避税天堂

euphoria:[U] intense feeling of happiness and pleasant excitement 愉快和兴奋的感觉: She was still in a state of euphoria hours after her victory. 她获胜後几小时仍喜气洋洋

stock market euphoria

reach unprecedented height/level/degree

incessant: adj not stopping; continual 不停的; 连续的; 不断的: a week of almost incessant rain 雨差不多没有停过的一个星期 * an incessant stream of visitors 络绎不绝的参观人流

remunerate: [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (for sth) (fml 文) pay or reward sb for work or services 酬报某人(为其工作或服务)

remuneration:  [U] (fml or rhet 文或修辞) payment; reward 酬金; 报酬

oscillate: ~ (between sth and sth) (fml fig 文, 比喻) keep moving backwards and forwards between extremes of feeling, behaviour, opinion, etc; waver (感情﹑ 行为﹑ 想法等)波动, 动摇, 犹豫: He oscillates between political extremes. 他的政治观点在两个极端之间摇摆不定;[I, Tn] (cause sth to) move repeatedly and regularly from one position to another and back again (使某物)摆动: A pendulum oscillates. 摆锤能摆动

vacillate: [I, Ipr] ~ (between sth and sth) (fml usu derog 文, 通常作贬义) keep changing one's mind; move backwards and forwards between two emotions (思想)动摇不定; 犹豫; (在两种情绪之间)变化不定: She vacillated between hope and fear.她时而抱有希望, 时而心存恐惧

plummet:[I, Ipr, Ip] fall steeply or rapidly 大坡度或快速落下: House prices have plummeted in this area. 此地房价大跌. * Pieces of rock plummeted down the mountainside to the ground below. 岩石一块块顺着山的陡坡滚落到地面.

scrupulous: ~ (in sth/doing sth) careful not to do wrong; absolutely honest 审慎的; 极诚实的: scrupulous in all her business dealings (她)对所有交易都十分老实

unsrupulous: without moral principles 无道德原则的; 不讲道德的: unscrupulousmethods, behaviour 不道德的方法﹑ 行为

incontestable: adj that cannot be disputed or disagreed with 无可争辩的; 不能不同意的: an incontestable fact 无可争辩的事实

trade deficit; trade surplus

dispel: [Tn] drive (sth) away; cause to vanish 驱走(某事物); 使消失: dispel sb's doubts/fears/worries 消除某人的疑虑[恐惧/烦恼] * The company is trying to dispel rumours about a take-over. 公司力图澄清有关控制权转移的流言

temporal: of worldly affairs, ie not spiritual; secular 世俗的(即非宗教的); 现世的;物质世界的或与之有关的;世俗的 the temporal possessions of the Church教堂拥有的世俗的财产;Of, relating to, or limited by time时间的:时间的、与时间有关的或受时间限制的

tempral evolution

supplant: (fml 文) take the place of (sb/sth); replace 取代(某人[某事物]); 代替: Oil has supplanted coffee as our main export. 我们的主要出口货已由原来的咖啡改为石油了. * The party leader has been supplanted by his rival. 那位党的领导人已被其对手取而代之. * She has been supplanted by another in his affections, ie He now loves sb else. 他爱上了另一个女人, 不再爱她了.

advent: the ~ of sth/sb the approach or arrival of (an important person, event, etc) (重要人物﹑ 事件等的)来临, 到来: With the advent of the new chairman, the company began to prosper. 随着新主席的到来, 公司也开始有了起色

blunt: (of a person, remark, etc) frank and straightforward; not trying to be polite or tactful (指人﹑ 言语等)坦诚的, 直率的, 不客气的, 欠圆通的: a blunt refusal 不客气的拒绝 * Let me be quite blunt (with you) your work is appalling. (对你)直说吧–你的工作太差劲.

rest on: ~ on sb/sth depend or rely on sb/sth 依靠或依赖某人[某事物]; (of a look, etc) be directed steadily at sb/sth (指目光等)停留在某人[某物]上

relegate: [esp passive 尤用於被动语态: Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb/sth (to sth) dismiss sb/sth to a lower or less important rank, task or state 使某人[某事物]降级﹑ 降职或降低地位: I have been relegated to the role of a mere assistant.

meritocracy: (a) [U] system of government by people of high achievement 英才管理(制度). (b) [CGp] such people in a society (社会的)英才, 精英, 贤能.

meritocratic: adj

aristocracy: [CGp] highest social class; the nobility 贵族阶级; 贵族: members of the aristocracy 贵族成员;[C] most able or gifted members of any class (任何阶级或阶层的)最优秀的人物: an aristocracy of talent 人杰

aristocratic: adj 贵族的;有贵族气派的; 贵族化的; 装贵族派头的

leave aside the fact that …; leave aside, too, the fact that …

instrumental: [pred 作表语] ~ in doing sth being the means of bringing sth about 作为促成某事物之手段; 有帮助; 起作用: Our artistic director was instrumental in persuading the orchestra to come and play for us. 我们的艺术指导大费唇舌请来管弦乐队为我们演出.

peculiar: odd or strange 奇怪的; 奇异的; 罕有的: a peculiar taste, smell, noise, etc 怪异的口味﹑ 气味﹑ 噪音等;used or practised only by sb/sth 专用的; 特有的: customs peculiar to the 18th century 18世纪特有的风俗习惯

envisage: v [Tn, Tf, Tw, Tg, Tsg] picture (an event, action, etc) in the mind as a future possibility; imagine 展望; 想像: Nobody can envisage the consequences of total nuclear war. 没有人能想像出全面核子战争的後果. * I can't envisage the plan('s) working. 我无法设想计划能否行得通.

buy this argument

Anglo Saxon model 又称“新美国模式”

obscure the fact that …

continental Europe 欧洲大陆,或称大陆的欧洲部分,主要排除英国

stupendous: adj amazingly large, impressive, good, etc 极大的; 极感人的; 极好的: a stupendous mistake, achievement 极大的错误﹑ 成就 * The opera was quite stupendous! 这部歌剧很精彩!

Denmark 丹麦

Nordic countries: 北欧国家

tumult: n, disturbance or confusion, esp of a large mass of people 混乱; (尤指大群人的)骚乱: The demonstration broke up in tumult. 示威集会在纷乱中解散了;disturbed or agitated state of mind; turmoil (思想上的)波动, 烦乱: Her mind was/Her thoughts were in a tumult. 她心烦意乱


at/on sb`s heels; on the heels of sth following closely after sb/sth 紧跟在某人[某事物]後面: The thief ran off with an angry crowd at his heels. 那小偷在前面跑, 一群愤怒的人在後面紧追

plunge: ~ (sth) into sth; ~ (sth) in:

(cause sth to) fall into sth suddenly and with force (使某物)突然而猛力投入﹑ 穿入﹑ 进入等: plunge (one's hand) into cold water (把手)一下子伸进冷水中 
(cause sth to) enter a specified state or condition (使某事物)进入或陷入某状态: The country (was) plunged into civil war after the death of the President. 总统死後全国陷入了内战. 

armament: [C often pl 常作复数] weapons, esp the guns on a tank, an aircraft, etc 武器; (尤指坦克﹑ 飞机等配备的)大炮;武装力量; 军事力量

inpassing: incidentally; in the course of doing something else; by the way;顺便提及

lacuna: (pl. lacunae) section missing from a book, an argument, etc; gap (书籍﹑ 论据等中的)脱漏, 阙文, 缺漏, 空白: a lacuna in the manuscript 原稿中的脱漏

amiss: adj, wrong(ly); inappropriate(ly) 错误; 不恰当: Something seems to be amiss can I help? 好像有点儿不对头–要我帮忙吗?

nadir: (fig 比喻) lowest point; time of greatest depression, despair, etc 最低点; 最压抑﹑ 消沉等的时刻: This failure was the nadir of her career. 这次失败是她事业上的低谷.

come by: obtain;acquire获得;得到 How did you come by that beautiful landscape painting?你是怎样弄到那张漂亮的风景画的?

meager: Deficient in quantity, fullness, or extent; scanty 不足的,缺乏的:在数量、程度或范围上缺乏的;不足的

deteriorate: ~ (into sth) become worse in quality or condition 变坏; 变质; 恶化: Leather can deteriorate in damp conditions. 皮革受潮可变质. * The discussion deteriorated into a bitter quarrel. 这场讨论演变成了激烈的争吵

disaffection, alienation, estrangement 疏远,疏离,不和

all the more to an even greater degree更;格外;更加;越加

all the more so 更加如此
all the more reason to do/for (doing) sth 更有理由。。。
He loved his wife and children,but he loved his country all the more.他爱妻子儿女,但是他更爱祖国
I know you find the subject difficult, but that is all the more reason why yod should work hard at it.我知道你感到这门学科困难,但这就是你更加应该努力钻研它的理由

rudiment: [C] imperfect beginning of sth that is not yet fully developed 初级形态: working on the rudiments of a new idea 研究一种新思想的萌芽;part or organ that is incompletely developed 未充分发展的部分; 发育不成熟的器官

>rudimentary adj.

complacent: adj ~ (about sb/sth) (usu derog 通常作贬义) calmly satisfied with oneself, one's work, etc 自满的; 自鸣得意的: a complacent smile, manner, tone of voice 自满的微笑﹑ 姿态﹑ 声调 * We must not be complacent about our achievements; there is still a lot to be done. 我们绝不能满足於自己的成绩, 还有很多事情要做.

top decile; top centile/percentile; top thousandth;

illiterate: 不会读或不会写的; 不识字的;缺乏教育的; 教育程度很低的

illiteracy: [U] state of being illiterate 文盲; 缺乏教育; 无知

apartheid: 种族隔离(南非共和国之白人对黑人所采取之种族歧视政策)

extravagant: (of ideas, speech or behaviour) going beyond what is reasonable, usual or necessary (指想法﹑ 言行)放肆的, 越轨的, 过度的: extravagant praise, behaviour, claims 过分的赞扬﹑ 放肆的行为﹑ 过高的要求 * pay extravagant compliments 过分夸奖;(in the habit of) using or spending too much; (of actions) showing this tendency (惯於)奢侈的, 挥霍的; (指行为)放纵的: an extravagant man 挥霍无度的人

compensation: (美)报酬,薪水,工资,俸给 (salary);补偿,赔偿,弥补,偿还,抵偿

till: (银行、商店等的) 放现款用的抽屉; 放贵重物品用的抽屉 have one's fingers/hands in the till 从自己的工作部门偷钱,监守自盗

apt: suitable; appropriate 适当的; 恰当的: an apt quotation/metaphor 恰当的引语/比喻

[pred 作表语] ~ to do sth likely or having a tendency to do sth 易於做某事物; 有做某事物的倾向: apt to be forgetful, careless, quick-tempered, etc 健忘﹑ 总是粗心大意﹑ 动不动就发脾气 * My pen is rather apt to leak. 我的钢笔爱漏墨水.

[not X] any more than [Y]:Y和X一样

per se: by or of itself; intrinsically 本身; 本质上: The drug is not harmful per se, but is dangerous when taken with alcohol. 该药本身并无害处, 但与酒类同服则有危险.

disparate: so different in kind or degree that they cannot be compared 迥然不同的; 无法比较的: The five experiments gave quite disparate results. 这五次试验所获得的结果迥然不同

mete: mete sth out (to sb) (fml 文) give or administer (punishment, rewards, etc) 给予, 加以(惩罚﹑ 奖励等),分给[人],给与: The judge meted out severe penalties. 法官对犯人予以严惩. * Justice was meted out to the offenders. 犯人均已绳之以法

propensity: n ~ (for/to/towards sth); ~ (for doing/to do sth) (fml 文) inclination or tendency 倾向; 习性: a propensity to exaggerate/towards exaggeration 浮夸的倾向 * a propensity for getting into debt 借债的习性.

mischief: [U] behaviour (esp of children) that is annoying or does slight damage, but is not malicious (used esp as in the expressions shown) 恶作剧, 捣蛋, 顽皮, 淘气(尤用於以下示例): act out of mischief 调皮的举动

confiscate: [Tn] take possession of (sb's property) by authority, without payment or compensation 没收(某人的财产); 充公: The headmaster confiscated Tommy's pea-shooter. 校长没收了汤米的射豆枪. * If you are caught smuggling goods into the country, they will probably be confiscated. 假若查出你向该国走私货物, 你的货物准得没收.

levy: [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (on sb) collect (a payment, etc) by authority or force; impose sth 徵收, 徵集(款额等); 强加某事物: a departure tax levied on all travellers 向所有旅客徵收的离境税

windfall: an unexpected, unearned, or sudden gain or advantage 意外的收获

think tank: 智库,智囊团 A group or an institution organized for intensive research and solving of problems, especially in the areas of technology, social or political strategy, or armament. 智囊:尤指为集中研究并解决在技术、社会或政策及军事领域中的问题而组织起来的群体或机构

worrisome: causing worry; troublesome 令人忧虑的; 令人烦恼的

The top decile of the wealth hierarchy own a clear majority of what there is to own.

candid: adj not hiding one's thoughts; frank and honest 率直的; 坦白而诚实的: a candid opinion, statement, person 直言﹑ 直说﹑ 直性人 * Let me be quite candid with you: your work is not good enough. 不瞒你说, 你的工作不怎麽好

to be candid,

probate: [U] official process of proving that a will is correct 遗嘱检验; 遗嘱认证: apply for/take out probate 申请检验遗嘱 * grant probate 通过对遗嘱的认证;[C] copy of a will with an official certificate that it is correct 经认证的遗嘱

[attrib 作定语] a probate court 遗嘱检验法庭

observatory: A structure overlooking an extensive view 观察台,了望台,望楼:俯瞰广阔景象的建筑;A building, a place, or an institution designed and equipped for making observations of astronomical, meteorological, or other natural phenomena 观测所,气象台,天文台:一座建筑或一个机构,用以观测天文的、气象学的或其它自然现象

coffer: 1 (C) (放置金钱等贵重物品的) 箱柜,银柜;2 [~s] (银行等的) 金库; 财源 (funds);the ~s of the State 国库 ;3 (C)‘建筑’ (格子、天花板、拱门等的) 饰板,镶板,藻井

regime: (a) method or system of government 统治方式或制度; 政体; 政权: a socialist, fascist, etc regime 社会主义﹑ 法西斯等制度. (b) prevailing method or system of administration (eg in a business) 盛行的管理方式或制度(如商业中的): changes made under the present regime 现行管理方法带来的变化 * the old regime versus the new 新管理制度对旧管理制度

regiment: 军队中的团; ~ of sth/sb (fig 比喻) large number of things or people 大量的物或人: a whole regiment of volunteers 大批志愿者

colonel: 上校(美国陆军、空军或海军陆战队中校之上准将之下的军衔)

bequest: [n]act of bequeathing 遗赠: the bequest of one's paintings to a gallery 把绘画遗赠给美术馆;thing bequeathed; legacy 遗产; 遗物: leave a bequest of 2000 each to one's grandchildren 留给孙儿每人一笔2000英镑的遗产

bequeath: (fml 文) [Tn, Dn.n, Dn.pr] ~ sth (to sb) 1 arrange, by making a will, to give (property, money etc) (to sb) when one dies 将(财物等)遗赠(给某人): He bequeathed 1000 (to charity). 他遗赠(给慈善事业)1000英镑. * She has bequeathed me her jewellery. 她把珠宝遗赠给我了

cadastre:an official register of the quantity, value, and ownership of real estate used in apportioning taxes

conveyance: [U] (fml 文) conveying 运送; 传送; 传达; 转让: the conveyance of goods by rail 铁路货运

(law 律) (a) [U] conveying property 转让财产: an expert in conveyance 承办产权转让事务的专家. (b) [C] document that conveys property 产权转让证书: draw up a conveyance 拟就产权转让证书.

draw reasonable conclusions

kin: [pl v] (dated or fml 旧或文) one's family and relatives 家人和亲戚: All his kin were at the wedding. 他的家人和亲戚都参加了婚礼. * He's my kin, ie related to me. 他是我的亲戚. * We are near kin, ie closely related. 我们是近亲;

no kin to sb: not related to sb 与某人无亲属关系
kith and kin: 亲友(亲戚和朋友)

metamorphose: [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ (sb/sth) (into sth) (fml 文) (cause sb/sth to) change in form or nature (使某人[某物])变形, 变质: A larva metamorphoses into a chrysalis and then into a butterfly. 幼虫变为蛹, 然後再变成蝴蝶. * The magician metamorphosed the frog into a prince. 魔术师把青蛙变成了王子

metamorphosis/metamorphoses: change of form or nature, eg by natural growth or development 变形; 变态; 变质 the social metamorphosis that has occurred in China 中国发生的社会变化

rhetoric: 修辞; 修辞艺术; 修辞学: impassioned rhetoric 富有表现力的修辞

(derog 贬) elaborate language which is intended to impress but is often insincere, meaningless or exaggerated 华丽的词藻(常含华而不实之意); 虚夸的言辞: the empty rhetoric of politicians 政客们的花言巧语

reassure: ~ sb (about sth) remove sb's fears or doubts; make sb confident again 消除某人的恐惧或疑虑; 恢复某人的信心; 使某人放心;

reassuring: adj that reassures 使人消除恐惧或疑虑的; 使人放心的: a reassuring glance, word, pat on the back 使人恢复信心的目光﹑ 话﹑ 轻拍一下背部

reassuring rhetoric

cohort;number of people banded together 一群人,一帮人; each of the ten units forming a legion 步兵大队(军团的十分之一)

suffrage:n [U] right to vote in political elections (政治性选举的)选举权, 投票权: universal suffrage, ie the right of all adults to vote 普选权(成年人均有的投票权) * Women had to fight for their suffrage. 妇女须为享有选举权而斗争

inexorable:adj continuing unstoppably; relentless 不可阻挡的; 坚持不懈的; 无情的: inexorable demands, pressures, etc 无可变更的要求﹑ 无情的压力 * the inexorable march of progress 势不可挡的进展 * the inexorable decline of wealth share

procure: [Tn, Dn.n, Dn.pr] ~ sth (for sb) (fml 文) obtain sth, esp with care or effort; acquire 取得某事物(尤指费心或费力); 获得: The book is out of print and difficult to procure. 那书已绝版, 很难弄到手; [I, Tn, Dn.pr] ~ sb (for sb) (derog 贬) find (prostitutes) for clients 为宿娼者介绍(娼妓); 拉皮条: He was accused of procuring women for his business associates. 他被指控为其生意合伙人招妓

interim:n. (idm 习语) in the interim, the time between one event, process, or period and another 在其间; 在其时;adj. serving during an intermediate interval of time 暂时的; 临时的 interim arrangements, measures, proposals, etc 临时的安排﹑ 措施﹑ 建议等

heir: 继承人

renounce:[Tn] agree to give up ownership or possession of (sth), esp formally 同意放弃(某事物)的所有权或占有权(尤指正式地): renounce a claim, title, right, privilege 宣布放弃要求﹑ 头衔﹑ 权利﹑ 特权;[Tn] refuse to associate with or acknowledge (esp sth/sb with a claim to one's care, affection, etc) 拒绝与(某事物[某人])发生联系; 与(某事物[某人])断绝关系: renounce a friendship 绝交 * He renounced his son (as an unworthy heir). 他与儿子断绝了父子关系(认为他不配作继承人).

renounce inheritance

abject: (of conditions) wretched; hopeless (指境况)凄惨的, 绝望的: living in abject poverty/misery 过着极穷困[悲惨]的生活

in abject poverty

dun: [Tn] persistently demand payment of a debt from (sb) (不断地向某人)讨债; 催讨债款

budge;(cause sth to) move slightly (使某物)稍微移动, 动一动: My car's stuck in the mud, and it won't budge/I can't budge it. 我的汽车陷入泥中, 一动也不动[我无法使它移动].

agrarian: adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] (of the cultivation or ownership) of land (指耕种或所有权)土地的: agrarian laws, problems, reforms 土地法﹑ 问题﹑ 改革

the Middle Ages; antiquity(usually before the Middle Ages)

state of affairs: If you refer to a particular state of affairs, you mean the general situation and circumstances connected with someone or something. e.g. This state of affairs cannot continue for too long, if parliament is to recover.

in the wake of: as a result of;right after;following由于;紧随

There were many troubles in the wake of the war.战后许多麻烦接踵而来。
There were heavy losses of property in the wake of the flood.由于洪水使得财产受到重大损失。
Traders came in the wake of the conquering armies.商人随着征服的军队而来。
The students followed in the wake of the teacher.学生们跟在老师的后面。

for the sake of: for the purpose of; because of 为了;因为 *We must be patient for the sake of peace.为了和平,我们必须有耐心。

The overall trajectory is fairly similar

minuscule: adj very small; tiny 极小的; 微小的

caveat: (fml 文) warning; proviso 警告; 限制性条款: I recommend the deal, but with certain caveats. 我介绍这笔交易, 但有几项要提请注意.

supplement VS complement: Supplement would refer to extra/additional information in this context对被补充对象的一种加强,两者属于同一个context. Complement refers to an item that completes or goes well with another item,两者输入不同的context,或者说是两个不同性质的东西,但是两者可以在一起相互作用,产生的更好的结果.

be accustomed to the fact that …

dynamism: (in a person) quality of being dynamic (人的)精力, 活力, 干劲

decry: (pt, pp decried) [Tn, Cn.n/a] ~ sb/sth (as sth) speak critically of sb/sth to make him/it seem less valuable, useful, etc; disparage sb/sth 诋毁某人[某事物]以贬低其价值: He decried her efforts (as a waste of time). 他贬低她所作的努力(认为是浪费时间).

sanctuary: 圣域,避难所

ineluctable: not to be avoided, changed, or resisted : INEVITABLE 不可避免的; 难免的

ground: [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ (sth) (in/on sth) (of a ship) touch the sea bottom; cause (a ship) to do this (指船)触海底, 搁浅; 使(船)触海底﹑ 搁浅: Our ship grounded in shallow water/on a sandbank. 我们的船在浅水中[在沙滩上]搁浅

ground: [C esp pl 尤作复数] ~ (for sth/doing sth/to do sth) reason(s) or justification for saying, doing or believing sth 说﹑ 做或相信某事的原因或理由: You have no grounds for complaint/for complaining. 你没有抱怨的理由. * If you continue to behave like this you will give them/provide them with grounds for dismissing you. 你照这样下去就让他们找到辞退你的理由了. * Desertion is a ground (ie legally sufficient reason) for divorce. 被配偶遗弃是离婚的充足理由. * They had no grounds to arrest him. 他们没有理由逮捕他.

in a sense: in a way;in one respect在某种意义上

nostalgia: [U] sentimental longing for things that are past 对往事的怀恋; 怀旧

nostalgia: [U] sentimental longing for things that are past 对往事的怀恋; 怀旧

heyday: [sing] time of greatest success, prosperity, power, etc 最成功﹑ 最繁荣﹑ 最强盛等的时期: She was a great singer in her heyday. 她在自己的黄金时代是个了不起的歌唱家. * Steam railways had their heyday in the 19th century. 19世纪是蒸汽机车的全盛时期.

one's heyday, heyday of

curb: [Tn] prevent (sth) from getting out of control; restrain 防止(某事物)失控; 约束: curb one's anger, feelings, etc 抑制怒火﹑ 感情等 * curb spending, waste, etc 限制开支﹑ 浪费等. [n] strap or chain passing under a horse's jaw, used to restrain the horse 马勒, 马嚼子(横放在马嘴里的皮带或铁链, 用以驾御马匹).

supremacy: 至尊,至上,无上; 最高位

controvert: [Tn] (fml 文) deny the truth of (sth); argue about 否定(某事物); 争论; 反驳: a fact that cannot be controverted 无可置辩的事实

controversy: a discussion marked especially by the expression of opposing views (有关意见分歧大的问题等长期性的,尤其以文字发表的) 争论,论战,争吵
incontrovertible: adj so obvious and certain that it cannot be disputed or denied 无可辩驳的; 不容否认的: incontrovertible evidence 确凿无疑的证据
It is an incontrovertible history reality that ...

subsist: [I, Ipr] ~ (on sth) (fml 文) (continue to) stay alive, esp with little food or money; exist (继续)存活, 活下去; (尤指藉微少的食物或金钱)维持生活; 生存: How do they manage to subsist (on such a low wage)? 他们(区区这点工资)怎样餬口? * He subsisted mainly on vegetables and fruit. 他主要依靠蔬菜和水果维持生命.

subsistence: [U] (means of) subsisting 存活; 生存; 生计; 维生之道 * [attrib 作定语] subsistence farming, ie farming that produces only enough crops for the farmer and his family to live on, leaving no surplus which could besold 自给农业(收成仅供自家食用, 无剩余出售者) * a subsistence wage, ie one that is only just enough to enable a worker to live 勉强餬口的工资

projection: [C] estimate of future situations or trends, etc based on a study of present ones 对未来形势的估计; 预测; 推断: sales projections for the next financial year 对下一财政年度销售情况的预测.

foreordain: [usu passive 通常用於被动语态: Tn, Tf] (fml 文) (of God or fate) arrange or determine (sth) before it actually happens (指上帝或命运)注定: It was foreordained that the company would suffer a spectacular collapse. 这个公司注定要彻底垮台.

ordain: [Tn, Cn.n] make (sb) a priest or minister 任命(某人)为司铎﹑ 神父或牧师: He was ordained priest last year. 去年授予他司铎一职; [Tn, Tf] (fml 文) (of God, law, authority, fate, etc) order or command; decide in advance (指上帝﹑ 法律﹑ 权威﹑ 命运等)命令, 规定, 注定: Fate had ordained that he should die in poverty. 命中注定他得死於贫困

NOTE ON USAGE 用法: When talking about giving orders, decree and dictate can be used of individuals in positions of authority. 谈到发命令, decree和dictate均可指下达者为掌权的个人. Decree usually suggests the public announcement of a decision made by a ruler or government without consulting others *decree通常指统治者或政府不与别人商议而公开宣布的决定: The dictator decreed that his birthday would be a public holiday. 该独裁者发布命令, 将其生日定为公众假期. Dictate indicates people using their power over others *dictate用以指人用权力支配他人: Her skills were in such demand that she could dictate her own salary. 她因其技术奇货可居, 故可以主宰自己的薪金待遇. Ordain and prescribe suggest a more impersonal authority such as the law. *ordain和prescribe多用以指如法律等非个人的权力. Ordain is formal and can be used of God *ordain含庄重色彩, 可用以指上帝: Is it ordained in heaven that women should work in the home? 女人就该在家里干活儿, 这是上天的旨意吗? Prescribe is used of the law *prescribe用於法律方面: Regulations prescribe certain standards for building materials. 有规章规定建筑材料的某些标准.

net: adj, ~ (of sth) remaining when nothing more is to be taken away 净的; 纯的: a net price, ie one from which a discount has been deducted 实价 * net profit, ie one that remains when working expenses have been deducted 纯利 * net weight, ie that of the contents only, excluding the weight of the wrappings, the container, etc 净重 * What do you earn, net of tax (ie after tax has been paid)? 你完税後净得多少?

[attrib 作定语] (of an effect, etc) final, after all the major factors have been considered (指结果等)最後的, 最终的: The net result of the long police investigation is that the identity of the killer is still a complete mystery. 警方经长时间调查, 结果凶手的身分仍全然不知

concatenation: ~ (of sth) (fml 文) series of things or events linked together 一系列互相关联的事物: an unfortunate concatenation of mishaps 接连的不幸.

dubious: [esp pred 尤作表语] ~ (about sth/doing sth) not certain and slightly suspicious about sth; doubtful 半信半疑; 可疑: I remain dubious about her motives. 我对她的动机仍存疑念.

recapitulate: (also infml 口语作 recap) v [I, Tn, Tw] state again or summarize the main points of (a discussion, etc) 重述或概括(讨论等)的要点: Let me just recapitulate (on) what we've agreed so far. 让我仅扼要重述一下到目前为止我们已取得的一致意见.


proposition: [n] ~ (that…)statement that expresses a judgement or an opinion; assertion 观点; 见解; 主张: The proposition is so clear that it needs no explanation. 观点十分明确, 无须解释;[Tn] propose sexual intercourse to (a woman), esp in a direct and offensive way 向(女方)提出性交要求(尤指直言而放肆); 求欢: She was propositioned several times in the course of the evening. 整个晚上有人几次向她提出非分要求


tautology: (a) [U] saying the same thing more than once in different ways withoutmaking one's meaning clearer or more forceful; needlessrepetition 无谓的重复; 赘述. (b) [C] instance of this 重复的话; 赘言

tautological adj 不必要的反复使用,同字 [同义字] 之重复,重复的,赘述的,赘言的

jargon: [U] (often derog 常作贬义) technical or specialized words used by a particular group of people and difficult for others to understand 术语; 行话; 切口: scientific jargon 科学术语 * She uses so much jargon I can never understand her explanations. 她用的术语太多, 我怎麽也听不懂她的讲解

placate: [Tn] make (sb) less angry; soothe or pacify 安慰, 抚慰(某人); 使(某人)平静﹑ 息怒

placatory: <言行等>安抚的,怀柔的,安慰的,抚慰的,和解的: placatory remarks 安抚的话
implacable: adj, incapable of being placated, that cannot be changed or satisfied 不能变动的; 无法平息或安抚的: implacable hatred, fury, opposition 无法消解的仇恨﹑ 愤怒﹑ 对立 * an implacable enemy, rival, etc 势不两立的敌人﹑ 竞争对手等

amass: [Tn] gather together or collect (sth), esp in large quantities (尤指大量地)积累, 积聚, 收集(某事物): amass a fortune 积累财富 * They amassed enough evidence to convict him on six charges. 他们搜集了足够的证据, 宣判他有六条罪状

confluence: (fml 文) coming together, esp of large numbers of people 汇合, 汇集(尤指大群的人).

confluent: adj, 

distinct: adj easily heard, seen, felt or understood; definite 清楚的; 清晰的; 明显的; 明白的; 明确的: The footprints are quite distinct; they must be fresh. 足迹清晰易辨, 一定是不久前留下来的.

distinctive: adj ~ (of sth) that distinguishes sth by making it different from others 特别的; 有特色的: a distinctive appearance, style, smell 特殊的外表﹑ 风格﹑ 气味 *

与distinct,是完全不同的意思,apparent obvious evident manifest definite。

vertigo:[U] feeling of losing one's balance, caused esp by looking down from a great height; dizziness 眩晕; (尤指)高处俯视性眩晕; 头晕: suffer from (an attack of) vertigo 感到(一阵)眩晕

vertiginous: adj

primogeniture: [U] fact of being a first-born child 长嗣身分;(also right of primogeniture) (law 律) system of inheritance by which an eldest son receives his parents' property 长子继承权

diminish: I Tn become smaller or less; decrease 变小; 变少; 使(某事物)变小; 使(某事物)变少; 缩小; 减少; 降低: His strength has diminished over the years. 经过这许多年月, 他的体力不如从前了.

entail: [Tn] make (sth) necessary; involve 使(某事物)必要; 牵涉;必然伴有,需要,使必需, 使蒙受, 使承担: This job entails a lot of hard work. 这项工作需要十分努力. * That will entail an early start tomorrow morning. 那就需要明晨很早动身;[esp passive 尤用於被动语态: Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (on sb) (law 律) leave (land) to a line of heirs in such a way that none of them can give it away or sell it 限定(地产)继承人: The house and estate are entailed on the eldest daughter. 这所房子和地产限定由长女继承. * He would have sold the property long ago had it not been entailed. 这些财产若非限定继承的话, 他早就卖掉了

entail:[n] [U] practice of entailing land (地产的)限定继承 [C] entailed property 限定继承的财产

misfortune: [U] bad luck 不幸; 厄运: suffer great misfortune 遭到极大不幸; [C] instance of this; unfortunate condition, accident or event 不幸事故; 灾难; 灾祸

spinster: (a) (law or fml 律或文) unmarried woman 未婚女子. (b) (often derog 常作贬义) woman who remains single after the usual age for marrying 老处女

bachelor: 单身汉

whim: [n] sudden desire or idea, esp an unusual or unreasonable one; caprice 一时的兴致; 突然的念头; (尤指)突发奇想, 异想天开; 心血来潮: It's only a passing whim, ie one that will soon be forgotten. 这只不过是一闪之念. * They seem ready to indulge (ie satisfy) his every whim. 他们简直惯着他随心所欲.

detriment: n (idm 习语) to the detriment of sb/sth; without detriment to sb/sth harming/not harming sb/sth 对某人[某事物]有害 [无害]; 有损於[无损於]某人[某事物]: He works long hours, to the detriment of his health. 他长时间地工作, 有损健康. * This tax cannot be introduced without detriment to the economy. 这一税制一旦施行, 必然会危害国民经济.

detrimental: adj

Civil Code 民法

equal –> equality: 等同性, 同等, 平等, 相等, 等式 –> equilibrium: A condition in which all acting influences are canceled by others, resulting in a stable, balanced, or unchanging system.See Synonyms at balance 平衡,均衡:一种所有动作的影响都互相抵消,整个系统处于平稳的、均势的、不变的状态

egalitarian: [n, adj] n, adj (person) showing or holding a belief in equal rights, benefits and opportunities for everybody 平等主义的; 平等主义者: an egalitarian attitude to voting 对投票持平等主义的态度.

inegalitarain: adj Marked by or accepting of social, economic, or political inequality. 不平等的:具有或接受社会的、经济的或政治不平等性的

splendor: Magnificent appearance or display; grandeur 华丽,壮丽:辉煌华丽的表面或陈设;壮观

zeal: [U] (fml 文) ~ (for sth) (usu intense) energy or enthusiasm; keenness (通常为高度的)热忱, 热情; 热心: show zeal for a cause 表现出对一事业的热忱 * work with great zeal 热情洋溢地工作 * revolutionary,religious zeal 革命的﹑ 宗教的热诚

butler: [n] chief male servant of a house, usu in charge of the wine-cellar 男管家(通常负责管理酒窖),大管家,家务中的仆役长

pussy: 小猫咪; 女性的阴部;

kitten: young cat 小猫.

compatriot:[n] person who was born in, or is a citizen of, the same country as another; fellow-countryman 同胞; 同国人

fascist: [U] extreme right-wing dictatorial political system or views, esp (Fascism) as originally seen in Italy between 1922 and 1943 法西斯主义

fscist: [C][常 F~]法西斯主义者,法西斯党员

capitalize: (phr v) capitalize on sth, use sth to one's own advantage; profit from sth 利用某事物; 从某事物中获利: capitalize on the mistakes made by a rival firm 从对方公司的错误中获益

hail: [Cn.n/a] ~ sb/sth as sth enthusiastically acknowledge sb/sth as sth 热情地承认某人[某事物]为…: crowds hailing him as king, as a hero 拥他为王﹑ 赞他为英雄的群众 * (fig 比喻) The book was hailed as a masterpiece/as masterly. 这本书被誉为杰作.

thereabouts: (also US thereabout) adv ((usu after or 通常用於or之後) near that number, quantity, time, etc 近於(某数目﹑ 数量﹑ 时间等); 大约; 左右: I'll be home at 8 o'clock or thereabouts. 我8点钟回家, 8点左右吧;somewhere near there 在附近的某地: The factory is in Leeds or somewhere thereabouts. 那工厂在利兹, 也许在利兹附近

wary: adj (-ier, -iest) ~ (of sb/sth) looking out for possible danger or difficulty; cautious (对可能发生的危险或困难)留意的, 小心的, 警惕的: keep a wary eye on sb 密切注意某人 * She was wary of strangers. 她很警惕陌生人. * be wary of giving offence 唯恐冒犯他人

poles apart/asunder: completely different相差甚远 *They were in agreement on most world issues,but they were poles apart about the war.他们对于多数世界大事意见是一致的,但对于战争的看法却截然相反。 *Their opinions are poles asunder.他们的意见截然相反。 *The two brothers are poles apart in character.这兄弟二人性格迥异。

In fact, nothing can be further from truth.

outset: at/from the outset (of sth) at/from the beginning (of sth) 开端; 开始: At the outset of her career she was full of optimism but not now. 她事业伊始十分乐观, 但现在已今非昔比了. * From the outset it was clear that he was guilty. 一开始就很清楚: 他有罪

verge: [n] (idm 习语) on/to the verge of sth, at or close to the point where sth new begins or takes place 在某事即将发生之际; 接近出现某事物之点: on the verge of war, success, bankruptcy 在接近战争爆发﹑ 成功﹑ 破产之际 * Her misery brought her to the verge of tears. 她难过得快要哭了

on/to the verge of sth

default: [U] (esp law 尤用於法律) failure to do sth, esp to pay a debt or appear in court 不做某事; (尤指)不还债, 不出庭,不履行债务,‘法律’不出庭,不到案

go into default 变成不履行债务
(idm 习语) by default:because the other party, team, etc does not appear 因对方﹑ 他队等未出场: win a case/a game by default 因对方未出席[未出场]而赢得诉讼[比赛]. 
in default of sth/sb (fml 文): because or in case sth/sb is absent 因某物[某人]未在场; 在无某物[某人]时: He was acquitted in default of strong evidence of his guilt. 因无确凿证据而判他无罪. * The committee will not meet in default of a chairman. 没有主席委员会就不开会.

on the verge of default 赖账的边缘

prodigious: adj very great in size, amount or degree, so as to cause amazement or admiration; enormous (在体积﹑ 数量或程度上)大得令人惊叹; 巨大的: a prodigious achievement 巨大的成就 * It cost a prodigious amount (of money). 这用了一笔巨款

prodigiously: adv

emblem: [n] object that represents sth; symbol 象徵; 标志; 标记: The dove is an emblem of peace. 鸽子是和平的象徵. * The ring was important to her as an emblem of their love. 这枚戒指是他们爱情的象徵, 对她至为重要. * The thistle is the emblem of Scotland. 蓟是苏格兰的标志.

emblematic: adj [usu pred 通常作表语] ~ (of sth) (fml 文) serving as an emblem; symbolic 用作象徵; 作为标志

solidarity: [U] unity and agreement resulting from shared interests, feelings, actions, sympathies, etc 团结; 一致: national solidarity in the face of danger 危难当头举国团结一致 * `We must show solidarity with the strikers,' declared the student leaders. 学生领袖声称: ‘我们要申明与罢工工人团结一致.’

solidarity tax: 团结税

concentration of wealth

spearhead: 及物动词 to be the leader of (a movement, for example): 率先:做…的先锋(如运动):

discern: [Tn] see (sth) clearly (with the senses or the mind), esp with an effort 看出, 识别, 辨认(某事物)(尤指需费力): In the gloom I could only just discern the outline of a building. 在黑暗中我只能依稀分辨出一座建筑物的轮廓来. * One can faintly discern the flavour of lemon. 可以隐约觉得有一点柠檬味. * discern sb's true intentions 弄清某人的真实意图

upshot: [sing] the ~ (of sth) the final result or outcome 最後结果; 结局;结果,结局,结论: The upshot of it all was that he resigned. 结果他辞职了

rejoice: [I, Ipr, It] ~ (at/over sth) (fml 文) feel or show great joy 极欢喜; 极高兴; rejoice over a victory 为胜利而欣喜 * rejoice at sb's success 为某人的成功而高兴 * I rejoice to hear that you are well again. 得知你身体康复, 甚为欣慰. * We rejoiced that the war was over. 我们为战争结束而欢欣鼓舞.

rejoice in:(joc 谑) have or glory in (a title, etc) 有(某种称号等); 以(有某种称号等)为荣: She rejoices in the name of Cassandra Postlethwaite. 她为有卡桑德拉?波斯尔思韦特这样的名字而引以为荣.